Sunday, July 31, 2011


Lucky for Steve and me, our travel from Pittsburgh to Austin was relatively pain free! The cats, Quinn and Ivy, were pretty much amazing, with just a little bit of meowing while it was still dark outside. 19 hours of travel on day one and 8 on day two. Steve, being the road warrior that he is, did most of the driving on day one (all but maybe 4 or 5 hours) and ALL of the driving on day two.

Upon our arrival, we signed the lease and handed over the dough for the first month’s rent. We started unloading almost right away, only stopping when we just plain needed a nap and food. We also needed a swim! Day 2 in Austin primarily consisted of unpacking and finishing loading the truck. Again, Steve was the superstar here, with unloading most of the truck himself.

As we are now in the beginning of our second week in Austin, I can say that we are getting settled. We have had three trips to Target (all different locations - Austin loves Target, apparently!), a trip to IKEA, and lots of exploring. I am committed to sharing my experiences with the move as often as possible.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Decision Time!

About a month ago, my husband, Steve, and I decided that we would move to Austin, TX. Odd, yes, for a PA girl. However, it was time for a change and we did a lot of research before deciding on Austin. Steve spent 4 days just after the 4th of July to find an apartment. On July 11, 2011 we were approved to move into our current complex. It's a beautiful, modern, and spacious 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and a study. Unfortunately for Steve, I was already scheduled to attend LeakyCon 2011 in Orlando, FL July 12-18, 2011. That left Steve to finish the packing (most of it we had already done knowing that we planned to move, even if we didn't know where we were going) and make all plans for the actual move.

CRAP! Another set-back: we had to drive a moving truck the 1,200 miles from Pittsburgh to Austin. Maybe you are saying to yourself, "Richelle! Come ON! That doesn't sound so bad." Well, add on the fact that we also had to tow our car behind the truck. Oh, and add two cats that HATE to travel and respond to being in a moving vehicle by vomiting, defecating, and meowing incessantly. Trust me when I tell you that we were... apprehensive.